Roy Hardin
Roy Hardin


My portfolio provides an overview of the key areas of expertise and technologies I use as an IT consultant and software developer to support clients with their projects.

You can find information about me and my professional background in my profile. If you are interested in IT consulting or software development services, please feel free to contact me.

Cloud Computing

Amazon Web Services · Cloud Security · Cloudflare · Container · Google Cloud · Hetzner Cloud · Kubernetes · Serverless Computing

Continuous Integration & Delivery

AWS CodePipeline · Bash · Bitbucket Pipelines · Flux · GitHub Actions · GitLab CI/CD · Gradle · Jenkins · Make · Maven · SonarQube


Container Orchestration · Container Registries · Container Security · Docker


Amazon EKS · CloudNativePG · External Secrets · GitOps · Google GKE · Helm · K9s · Kubectl · Kustomize · LKE · Tilt

Identity & Access Management

Active Directory · Authentication & Authorization · AWS IAM · AWS Secrets Manager · JWT · Keycloak · LDAP · OAuth 2.0 · OpenID Connect · SAML · Single Sign-On

Software Architecture

Client-Server · Cloud Computing · Containers · Continuous Integration & Delivery · Databases · Data Formats · Data Modeling · Domain-driven Design · Event-driven Architecture · Key-Value Stores · Microservices · Object Storage · Serverless Computing · Service-oriented Architecture · UML · Web Services


Go · HTML & CSS · Java · JavaScript · JSON · REST · SOAP · Spring · SQL · Swift · XML

Database Systems

Amazon RDS · CloudNativePG · DB2 · Key-Value Stores · Microsoft SQL Server · MySQL · Object Storage · Oracle · PostgreSQL · SQL · SQLite

Infrastructure as Code

Ansible · OpenTofu · Terraform


Alerting · Beats · Elastic Stack (ELK) · Elasticsearch · Grafana · Kibana · Logstash · Prometheus

Code Repositories

AWS CodeCommit · Bitbucket · GitHub · GitLab

Software Repository Manager

Artifactory · GitHub Packages · Nexus

Container Registries

Amazon ECR · Artifactory · Docker Hub · GitHub Packages · GitLab Container Registry · Nexus


Container Security · GitHub Advanced Security · GitLab Security · SonarQube

Amazon Web Services

Amazon CloudFront · Amazon EC2 · Amazon ECR · Amazon ECS · Amazon EKS · Amazon ElastiCache · Amazon RDS · Amazon Route 53 · Amazon S3 · Amazon SES · AWS Certificate Manager · AWS CodeCommit · AWS CodePipeline · AWS IAM · AWS Secrets Manager · Elastic Load Balancing


Cloudflare Access · Cloudflare Bots · Cloudflare Cache/CDN · Cloudflare D1 · Cloudflare DDoS Protection · Cloudflare DNS · Cloudflare Pages · Cloudflare R2 · Cloudflare Registrar · Cloudflare SSL/TLS · Cloudflare Tunnel · Cloudflare WAF · Cloudflare Workers


AssertJ · EJB · Flexmark · Flyway · FreeMarker · GlassFish · Gradle · Hamcrest · Hibernate · Jackson · JavaMail · JAX-RS · JDBC · JEE · Jersey · JMS · JPA · JSP · JSTL · JTA · JUnit · Lombok · Maven · MDB · Mockito · OSGi · Servlet · Spring · Spring Batch · Spring Boot · Spring Cloud · Spring Data · Spring Data JPA · Spring Data REST · Spring Framework · Spring HATEOAS · Spring MVC · Spring REST Docs · Spring Security · Spring Session · Struts · Thymeleaf · Tiles · Tomcat · Xalan · Xerces

Business Processes

Accounting & Taxes · Collaboration · E-Commerce · Enterprise Resource Planning · Human Resources · Identity & Access Management · Planning · Sales


Booking Systems · Catalogs · Content Management · Customer Systems · E-Mail · Electronic Ticketing · In-App Purchases · SMS · Shopping Cart Systems · User-Generated Content · Websites · Payment Systems


Agile · Collaboration · Kanban · Scrum · Unified Process

Mobile Apps & Technologies

App Store Connect · Apple Push Notification Service · Apple Wallet & PassKit · iOS · iPadOS · Mobile Backend · QR-Code


Amazon Web Services · Ansible · Cloud Computing · Cloud Security · Cloudflare · Code Repositories · Container · Content Delivery Network · Continuous Integration & Delivery · DevSecOps · Domain Name System · GitHub · GitLab · GitOps · Google Cloud · Identity & Access Management · Infrastructure as Code · Key-Value Stores · Kubernetes · Load Balancing · Monitoring · Object Storage · Software Repository Manager · Terraform · Version Control Software · Virtuelle Maschinen · Webserver